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(e) 16oz Guatemalan Coffee - Dark Roast - Whole Bean or Ground

(e) 16oz Guatemalan Coffee - Dark Roast - Whole Bean or Ground

Regular price $14.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.50 USD
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Nuestro Cafe..
Este café de grano entero presume de una profunda riqueza achocolatada, con una textura suave y aterciopelada y baja acidez. Termina limpiamente con toques de caramelo y cacao.

La suave caramelización de los azúcares naturales del grano le da una sutil nota tostada a este café de tueste medio-oscuro, mientras preserva su perfil de sabor inherente, resultando en un postgusto dulce y agradable.

¡Este es el café con el que Walki y yo nos hemos despertado durante años! ¡Incluso viajamos con este café! Es realmente uno de los mejores cafés que hemos probado y estamos emocionados de tener la oportunidad de compartirlo con nuestros amigos.

Vendido por libra.

Our Coffee...
This whole bean coffee boasts a deep, chocolatey richness, with a smooth velvety texture and low acidity. It finishes cleanly with hints of caramel and cocoa. 

The gentle caramelization of the bean's natural sugars lends a subtle roasted note to this medium-dark coffee, while preserving its inherent flavor profile, resulting in a sweet and enjoyable aftertaste.

This is the coffee Walki and I have woken up with for years. We even travel with this coffee! It's truly some of the best coffee we have ever had and are excited for the opportunity to share it with out friends! 

Sold by the pound.

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